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Sri Lanka Saukyadana Movement was founded in 1959 under the eminent leadership of Dr. Vajiranath Lakshman de Silva who was a newly passed out young medical Doctor at that time. While he was on a pilgrimage to Sripada he had seen the difficulties the pilgrims had to encounter due to the lack of medical aid services. Having seen this situation after returning to Colombo he established Saukyadana movement with the aim of providing medical aid to the pilgrims of Sripada and other religious festivals and events

Within a short period of time many doctors, nurses and other para-medical personnel joined hands with this movement. With the help of some experts in the medical field, the Saukyadhana movement trained groups of youth and school children from various parts of the country on health and first aid and they later became the resource persons for this voluntary service.

"Saukyadana" means a freely given gift of health to the public. When choosing this name, Dr. de Silva envisaged Suakyadana as not only promoting the wellbeing of Sri Lanka's who did not have access to adequate health care, but also a vehicle by which to train the youth of Sri Lanka to be healthy, self-confidant, self-reliant with the needed leaderships and humanist qualities to take the country forward.

From these humble beginnings, the Sri Lanka Saukyadana Movement has evolved into a national level organization with over 6000 volunteers working in 12 districts across the country. The backbone of the organization currently lies at the school level, with the primary focus of the organization being the provision of first aid training to students and teachers. It is the effort of these school trained volunteers which provides the medical aid camps and other health and community aid services.

Services we currently conduct

  • Provision of training & education to teachers on first aid & health.
  • Conducting first aid / medical camps at large scale public events.
  • Provision of first aid / medical aid during natural disasters and national calamities.
  • Community welfare projects such as provision of educational aid and food stuff to areas of need.
  • Community health programs.
  • Training of nurse aids.
  • Psychosocial support for people in need.


  • Provide first aid and health education to the youth particularly at school level.
  • Motivate these trained youth to offer their services voluntarily.
  • Foster self-confidence, self-reliance, compassion and leadership in youth through training and education and also by providing opportunities to volunteer in first aid and community development campaigns.
  • Provide medical and first aid services to the Sri Lanka public during large scale public events and national calamities.
  • Conduct psycho educational programs and training in skill to improve psychosocial wellbeing of school children and teachers.
  • Promote peaceful and harmonious relationships amongst people of diverse racial, religious and cultural groups through community development programs.
  • Work in close collaboration and co-ordination with the Ministry of Health Services and other state agencies, the NGO sector and international organizations in the promotion of health and wellbeing of people in this country.


The beneficiaries of Saukyadana are school children, teachers and ultimately the general public of Sri Lanka. Our work is primarily focused upon health education and promoting the levels of health and wellbeing of the people in Sri Lanka.

Trained medical professionals, school teachers, students, clergy and community volunteers work together to provide medical aid and community aid to those who are in need and also to educate Sri Lankan youth on health awareness and first aid disciplines.

In order to make effective use of our skills and services we liaise directly with doctors, nurses, teachers, school students, community volunteers and clergy. These volunteers then directly train newly recruited youth and also provide health services and education to the general community. Partnering with schools along with volunteer medical professionals has been proven to be an efficient and cost effective way of reaching the maximum number of beneficiaries of these service.

Board of Governors

Mrs. Pradeepa de Silva DIRECTOR GENERAL
Mr. Susantha Caldera Deputy Director General
Mr. Thushan Amarasuriya TREASURER
Mr. Narendra Rajapakse CO-SECRETARY
Mr. Sunil Gamini Perera CO-SECRETARY
Dr. Naveen Wijekoon BOARD OF GOVERNOR
Prof. Chandu de Silva BOARD OF GOVERNOR
Prof. Dilip de Silva BOARD OF GOVERNOR
Mrs. Leilani de Silva BOARD OF GOVERNOR
Mrs.Irushini Wedage BOARD OF GOVERNOR
Mr. Yasapala Nanayakkara BOARD OF GOVERNOR
Dr. Chinthaka Ranaweera BOARD OF GOVERNOR
Dr. Waduge Sajith Manjula BOARD OF GOVERNOR